Yomi Pratt chats with Bashir Agoro and Moji Agpro
Yomi Pratt chats with Bashir Agoro and Moji Agpro

by Sarah Onyango

On May 2, 2015, The Network of Black Business & Professional Women held their Annual Mothers’ Day Brunch at the Heart & Crown in Ottawa’s ByWard Market. The guest speakers at this year’s event, entitled “Turning Pain into Purpose”, were Mrs. Abiola Agoro and her daughter Ms. Mojisola Agoro, of the Dapo Agoro Foundation for Peace. The two women moved the audience with their testimonial about how they drew strength from each other after the violent murder of Oladapo Agoro, the family’s only son, in an Ottawa nightclub in 2002. They also shared how they turned the family’s unfathomable pain into a passion for advocating against knife crime and youth violence. Dapo Agoro Foundation for Peace board member Donna Udechukwu also provided details about the youth-focused conflict resolution workshops the organization provides in the community. For more information, please visit www.dapoagorofoundation.org