Community Builder award for Natalie Domey
Saturday 7 April Natalie Domey is a young woman whose name always brings a smile to the faces of those who know her. Recipient of the 2018 Ontario Leading Women…
Ililli Ahmed: Colonel By’s Feminism Club
Highlighting the achievements of Colonel By Secondary School’s Intersectional Feminism Club Ililli Ahmed With the creation of Colonel By’s Intersectional Feminism Club in 2016, my co-founder and best friend…
Nigerian Canadians join national conversation
“Nigeria conversation” offers opportunity to diaspora to participate in national debate on governance and national development Saturday 7 April About a hundred people of Nigerian heritage were at the Infiniti…
Helen Ofosu: Workplace favouritism
The workplace is no place for favouritism by Dr. Helen Ofosu | Apr 7, 2018 | I have one child and this makes it OK for me to call him my favourite son. However, in…
Maya Basudde named CBC Trailblazer
CBC Ottawa Trailblazer Maya Basudde is a spoken word artist and founder of the poetry showcase Tell ‘Em Girl, which helps women of all ages find their voice and…
Rwanda genocide remembered
Parliament Hill ceremony commemorates 24 anniversary of Rwandan genocide Saturday 7 April by Sarah Onyango Honoured to have attended the 24th annual commemoration of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi…
Letter from the editor: May 2018
Good morning all Now that spring has finally sprung, after a few false winter-like false starts, we can now focus on enjoying the fine weather and of course begin to…
Seminar on health risks for African Canadians
Saturday 21 April Over 200 people were in attendance at City Hall on Laurier Avenue at the annual health seminar organised and hosted by a coalition of Black community organisations…
Bishop Afolabi: Spiritual breakthrough
Message: “FASTING FOR SPIRITUAL BREAKTHROUGH ” Isaiah 58:1-14; Ezra 8:21-23) By Bishop Jacob Afolabi “Fasting is not an empty ritual. It must change your life and alter the course of…
Marina Margaret NCWANA (née Kunene)
NCWANA, Marina Margaret (née Kunene) On Saturday, April 14, 2018 Marina Margaret Ncwana, wife, mother, grandmother, aunt and grandaunt, passed away rather suddenly at the age of 83. Born…