Councillor Rawlson King

Friday 30 June 2023

A Message from Councillor Rawlson King


On behalf of my Ward 13 office, I want to wish everyone in Rideau-Rockcliffe Happy Canada Day. I hope you are able to enjoy time with family and friends this weekend as well as enjoy some of the many Canada Day events happening in Ottawa, including right here in Rideau-Rockcliffe.

I got a head start on Canada Day festivities during a barbecue at Ottawa Community Housing’s Den Haag community today, June 30. Thank you to the Den Haag Tenants Circle, Ottawa Community Housing and the Ottawa Community Housing Foundation for your community building initiatives. The homemade Canada Day cupcakes made by local residents and the toys that Foundation staff distributed to children were a big hit and greatly appreciated.

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June 30, 2023 Newsletter – Councillor Rawlson King (