Second session of the Permanent Forum on People of African Descent
30 May – 2 June 2023
United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA
by Faduno Ali
“Realizing the Dream: A UN Declaration on the Promotion, Protection, and Full Respect of the Human Rights of People of African Descent,”
As the second session of the Permanent Forum of People of African Descent comes to an end, participating in this forum has been an incredibly inspiring experience and an immense privilege for me.
Actively contributing to the ongoing efforts of the National Defense, we continue to advocate for the urgent preservation of the dignity, safety, and well-being of all individuals, particularly emphasizing the protection of human rights for people of African descent.
As I witnessed delegates from around the world unite to raise awareness on the underlying common barriers faced by Africans people of African descent , I realized that we are far from the finish line.
Global reparatory justice, Pan-Africanism, transitional migration, data collection, and health and well-being were amongst the topics covered.
Looking forward to the outcomes and the next session.
Thanks for posting this Brother Godwin. I also attended the Permanent Forum meeting on behalf of the 613-819 Black Hub and worked collaboratively before, during and after the Forum with many of the folks pictured here, including Nicolas Marcus-Thompson of the federal Black Class Action suit, Canadian UN fellow Hodan Ahmed, Andrea Pierce of the UN Decade Push Coalition and Vanessa Fells formerly of the African Nova Scotian Decade for People of African Descent. In addition to the topics Faduno cited, we also raised the demand for the federal government to appoint a Black Equity Commissioner similar to the special representatives it created on antisemitism and Islamophobia in Budget 2022 and to designate Black Canadians as a distinct group under the federal Employment Equity Act. The second one is especially important given the attack on affirmative action represented by the June 29 decision of the US Supreme Court ordering Harvard University to end its raced based affirmative action program. We also look forward to continuing the work in Canada leading to the 3rd UNPFPAD meeting in Geneva in April 2024. Together we grow stronger!