God’s word is a solution to problems


Bishop Jacob Afolabi, Senior Pastor, Christ Chapel Bible Church

“Our Father which art in heaven…”

He is our Father by creation and by covenant. (Mal.2:10;  2Cor. 6:17, 18). The Creator is also the great parent of all. He is the Father of all the true followers of Christ, who are made to inherit LIFE (eternal life). (Rom.8:14–17). The Church is patterned after the family – it is the family of God. In this family, all the powers of heaven are at our disposal. Through God, as Father, all our earthly needs are met and heaven becomes a familiar place to us. (John 14:1-3).   This solves the problems of our earthly needs, in the physical, the moral, and the spiritual areas of our lives.


“Hallowed be thy name…”  

The name of the Lord is a strong Tower, the righteous enters into it and is saved. (Prov.18:10).  God’s name is Holy and it commands obedience from all creation. Angels bow and the heavenly creations honor His name. (Is. 45:23; Phil.2:10,11). This solves the problems of relationships, control, and safety from all powers and other beings with whom we share the earth and the heavens.


“Thy kingdom come.”

The kingdoms of this world are the kingdoms of one beast or the other. Under them, there are beastly acts that make it difficult for any righteous person to be at ease, and at peace.  Where God is not accepted, His Kingdom cannot be established. This prayers remains an “ideal’ until it is established in fact, through the Great Commission.  This is the greatest job of the Christian Evangelists who must bring the Kingdom into being in every heart and home, before Christ returns. (Rom.10: 14,15).  The coming of God’s Kingdoms will solve all the problems posed by the Beastly Kingdoms. It is in the Kingdom of God that wild natures and redeemed natures exist together.  (Is.11: 5–9).


“Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”


The problems of live in our times are great because every one of us has turned to his own way. We have suddenly become deaf and dumb, unwilling to hear or return, seeking for solutions to life’s Intractable problems through human finite and incapable minds. Heaven has no problems at all, because heaven does the will of God, and they do not trust on their own understanding, but acknowledge God in every way. (Prov. 3:1-7).  Doing the will of God is the prescribed solution to life’s and society’s problems.


“Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”


All created beings on earth need food to exist. Our God is supplier of all human and animal needs. ”Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?  For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knows that ye have need of all these things.”  Matthew 6:31.  Human and animal hunger is a world problem, and when nature “snaps” and the land cannot give its increase, famine results. We depend on the mighty hands of God, who alone controls nature, to ensure our ample supply of food products for human and animal consumption. We need to be wise to husband those products and maintain the land in good condition. 

The main solution to all our food and health problems is to acknowledge that these vital supplies come from God. “And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.” Exodus 23:25


“And Forgive Our Trespasses.”         


Acknowledgement of sins makes forgiveness easy to be given and received. Non-acknowledgement makes it harder to deal with the problems of our human nature. “We are sinful by nature,” and this nature cannot be healed unless, and until, we agree that it is “sick,” sin-sick.  If we are not forgiven, we have no hope of peace, peace with God and  within ourselves. Sin is sweet poison! Forgiveness is the solution to peace in the soul and healing of the conscience. “For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.”  Acts 28:27


About the writer

Nigerian-born Bishop Jacob Afolabi is Senior Pastor at the Christ Chapel Bible Church in Ottawa.  he is the recipient of many community awards, including the 2017 Black History Ottawa Community Builder award, for his many years of community work. He is the founder of the Ottawa Pastors’ forum and has  contributed inspiring articles in community newspapers and commentary on community radio stations, as well training a new generation of pastors. He can be reached at: [email protected].