Jean-Marie models African regalia fit for a king
Jean-Marie models African regalia fit for a king


3 May 2015

The Masonic Centre on  Walkley Road was filled to capacity on Sunday as dozens of Ottawa’s diverse communities attended the annual Teatime Party with a Caribbean Twist. The event was a partnership between Black History Ottawa, Jamaican Ottawa Community Association and the Society for Cultural and Community Activities . Keynote speaker was new Canadian Adrian Benjamin who described his journey as a new comer to Canada. Entertainment was provided by the Miguel De Armas Trio which provided an eclectic mix of jazz, blues and Latin American music, Cuban style, as well as singer Mel Racine.   Elder Sidney Bostic later teamed up with the Miguel De Armas Trio for some soul-inspiring songs. One of the highlights of the evening was a presentation on elder abuse by Black Hisrtory Ottawa’s Event & Membership coordinator Joanne Robinson with Myra. A fashion show featured exotic men’s and women’s clothes from Africa by Chakotio Noubactep of AfriArt Canada.

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