Ochiora Juliana Ebelechukwu Ezeilo 1938-2020
B.Ed. University of Ibadan; M.Ed University of Nigeria Nsukka

She is survived by her seven children including Mrs. Nwanneka Ejiofor, her children in-law including Mr. Gregory Ejiofor; twenty grandchildren including Annette and Gregory jnr. Ejiofor; six siblings and their spouses, nieces and nephews and a sister in-law. Her late husband is Rev. Walter Obumneme Ezeilo.
Juliana shared her life between being a wonderful mother to her children, being the wife of a clergy/agronomist and working through her career in education where she retired in 1998 as Supervising Principal at Aguata State Education Commission, Head Education Services Unit and Zonal Home Economics Coordinator, Aguata zone, Anambra State, Nigeria.
Juliana impacted the lives of many people that she met in her very rich and fruitful life. She loved The Lord deeply and loved the work she did with her husband in the Lord’s vineyard. She also enjoyed working on farms and learning from her husband an agronomist. They loved each other dearly that it is not surprising that they both died nine years apart on the same day March 17th and the same 4 pm hour.
May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
Submitted by daughter, Mrs. Nneka Ejiofor