Dr. Sephora Pierre

Meet Dr. Sephora Pierre, Chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Medical Director of the Assault & Sexual Abuse Program at Cornwall Hospital. She began as a locum (part-time) OBGYN at CCH in 2014 and subsequently became a full-time member in 2015.

Dr. Pierre is also a preceptor for medical trainees that rotate through the hospital and is a recipient of several teaching awards.

Dr. Pierre was born in Gatineau (Hull), and her parents were originally from Haiti. She earned her medical degree in Santiago de Cuba and completed her residency in Obstetrics/Gynaecology (OBGYN) at the University of Western Ontario.

“I am glad I can be of service to the community in Cornwall whether it be by helping to start a family, expand it, or navigating through tantrums of ‘Aunt Flow.’ I enjoy learning every day from interactions with patients and my amazing co-workers.”

“I have worked very hard to reach my goals and I am proud of my achievements. It is, however, humbling to remember that about 75 years ago, this path was simply not an option for women of my skin colour. This fact invariably brings a touch of Impostor Syndrome, but more importantly, a sense of responsibility toward the future generations of Black children that need to know that they are worthy.”

Thank you, Dr. Pierre, for all that you do! #WeAppreciateYou#BlackHistoryMonth

Source: Facebook Cornwall Hospital