Yvette Ashiri

by Sea Beaulne, Campaign manager

Saturday 18 June 2022

On Saturday, June 18th, Yvette Ashiri kicked off her city council campaign for Orléans South Navan new (Ward 19) for the upcoming municipal election on October 24th! The campaign launch event took place in Navan at the Orange Barn Events. Janet Taylor, the host and Yvette’s
supporter shared a heartfelt speech to the room of attendees, citing mental health and support for young people as reasons why she thinks Yvette will be the city councilor to bring empathy and humanity back to Ottawa council.

The event was MC’d by Franklin Epape who previously ran for city council in Barrhaven. Franklin did an excellent job of energizing the crowd behind Yvette and enthusiastically introducing the lineup of guest speakers. Among this lineup was Solange Tuyishime, Elevate International CEO. Solange spoke about the importance of having more women in leadership
roles. She also recounted stories of Yvette’s past community activism work and how that experience will help Yvette’s campaign and a possible career as city councilor. Next on the lineup of speakers was Julie Bellefeuille, a resident of Cardinal Creek who stressed the importance of having political representatives that are not bought out by developers and have compassion for their real constituents. Julie also spoke about the importance of quality-built houses, and expressed that Yvette was one of the only political candidates who openly listened to Julie and her neighbors. The last guest speaker was Pierre Dadjo, CÉSOC former director, who spoke about the meaningful impact Yvette had on his life as well as on the lives of many others.

After hearing from a few of the people who support Yvette, attendees got to hear from Yvette herself! Yvette thanked everyone in the room and recounted memories from her previous 2020 campaign. She spoke about how all of her supporters and volunteers helped her run an awesome campaign, despite simultaneously adapting to the ongoing and developing COVID-19 pandemic. Yvette then went on to speak about her priorities for Ward 19. Among these priorities is supporting families. Yvette wants to increase support for young people and for seniors whose mental health is struggling, especially as a result of the pandemic. This includes help-centered programs, social circles, and new infrastructures such as the Millenium Park Dome. She is also calling for the creation of a Women’s Bureau to promote safety and equality for Ottawa women. Finally, Yvette stressed the importance of having quality, accessible services in both official languages at the municipal level. In addition to equity and family support, Yvette also spoke about her plan to revitalize the local
economy by supporting small businesses and ensuring the city council makes decisions with environmental sustainability in mind. This includes investing in public transit and smart building and preventing urban sprawl. Yvette ended her speech by saying, “My desire to you, dear friends and neighbors, is to see a more vibrant Ward 19 and a city more inclusive and prosperous for all.”

To find out more about Yvette Ashiri’s campaign, visit: yvetteashiri.ca

Julie Bellefeuille
Pierre Dadjo

Yvette Ashiri*****
Chers voisin-es et ami-es,Mon équipe et moi sommes très heureux d’annoncer ma nomination à titre de Candidate au poste de Conseillère Municipale pour le nouveau #quartier19, Orléans-Sud-Navan.En 2020, des milliers d’entre vous m’ont soutenu et m’ont donné votre vote, et je vous suis reconnaissante pour vos encouragements et de votre confiance continus.Je sollicite encore une fois votre appui pour l’élection municipale de cette année, qui aura lieu le 24 octobre 2022, pour vous représenter au conseil municipal.Alors que beaucoup d’entre nous attendent toujours que le courant soit rétabli et se remettent lentement des dommages causés par la tempête de samedi dernier, soyez assurés que l’aide est en route. Nous nous sommes tous mobilisés et les équipes de Hydro ont continué à travailler jour et nuit pour nous remettre en ligne. Nous allons bien aller, parce que nous sommes plus forts ensemble.J’ai hâte de tous vous voir dans les mois à venir pour engager un dialogue et des conversations sur ce qui compte le plus pour vous, et sur la façon dont je pourrais vous servir au mieux si vous m’accordez l’honneur d’être la voix de notre quartier à la table du Conseil Municipal.J’ai hâte de communiquer avec vous bientôt.#Together/Ensemble
Yvette Ashiri