Kenyan High Commissioner to Canada Amb. Immaculate Wambua

Saturday 3 June 2023

Kenyan High Commissioner receives 2023 Ambassador of the Year award.

Yesterday evening, the High Commissioner, Amb. Immaculate Wambua received Ambassador of the Year 2023 Award on behalf of the Mission for exemplary performance in Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Engagement.

Amb. Immaculate Wambua receives her award

The Award was given by International Public Diplomacy Council (IPDC), Headquartered in Netherlands, in Netherlands, in collaboration with the Professional Development Institute from the University of Ottawa and Deanship of Diplomatic Corps of Canada.

The High Commissioner is among the 12 winning Ambassadors for this year.

Amb. Immaculate Wambua with some of the High Commission staff
Amb. Immaculate Wambua with fellow diplomatic award winners