Emmanuel Chukwuemeka Ukwu  (Husband)

Adieu Mrs. Comfortmary Nkechi Ukwu: July 15, 1953 – March 24, 2023 (69yrs)

“If you O Lord should mark our guilt, Lord who would survive?  But with you is found forgiveness, for this we revere you.   Psalm 129: 3 – 4

Nkechi, we were married for forty two years in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.  The marriage was blessed with four children and two grand kids whom you loved so much.  One of the requests I overheard you make from the doctors is to do everything possible to keep you alive so that you will enjoy your grand kids as they grow up. This was not realized to the fullest but at least you saw them and played about in their company.  For everything we give glory to God.

Emma and Nkechi Ukwu at their wedding in Port Harcourt

In marriage we were united before God and took vows to honour and serve each other until death does us part.  When it was time for you to depart this world, it gave me special joy that you chose me to drive you to hospital and no one else.  It was less than two minutes into the fulfillment of this request that you slumped and died under my very nose and with only two of us in the car.  On that fateful Friday evening, March 24th at 7:30 pm you bid me a final goodbye and gave up.  That singular action of yours to die in my arms, with no one else around spoke a thousand words……whatever might have caused any disaffection in our lives is completely wiped away and obliterated.  This had been my prayer for long before your sickness.  I do not think that this was a coincidence; it is a sign from the heavens.  Incidentally you departed on the birthday of our last son, Ikechukwu. You loved parties and dancing, but this illness had denied you all these things.  But in defiance you relied on your cell phone and social media to render those tunes that you loved.

That familiar voice asking about your grandchildren and Ikechukwu’s welfare will never be heard again in this world except the recorded video clips which I will forever jealously guard.We are already missing you and pray that the good Lord grant you eternal life in His heavenly kingdom.  Just as we were united in marriage we were finally united again in your death.  This is the Lord’s doing.
My happiness today is that we as a family did everything humanly possible to nurse you back to health, take you for your appointments and made regular visits to your pharmacies for your drugs.  

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and may your perpetual light shine upon her.  Amen..

Ukwu family in the early years
Nkechi with children in the early years


The Ukwu family L-R: Chibuzo, Ike, Emma, Nkechi, Ngozi and Emeka


Ngozi Ukwu (daughter)
Mommy, I am sad. I feel sad that you suffered the way you did, I feel sad knowing that you sacrificed so much for us, and when you finally retired in Aug 2021, you didn’t get the chance to enjoy the fruits of your labor, I feel sad knowing that you are no longer around to witness accomplishments, milestones or to be part of future celebrations. You looked forward to enjoying retirement and your grandchildren and couldn’t wait to see me have children of my own. As sad as I am, I am also grateful for the months God allowed me to assist you, I will always cherish the Spring/Summer of 2022 and the days we had. I prayed to God to transfer some of my energy to you, and he gave me the energy and means I needed to care for you in all the ways that you needed from me. I already miss our random drives to get air, parked in a random lot sipping on Timmies Orange pekoe tea and chatting. I’ll always remember the time I took you to see Celine Dion in concert (2019), your excitement alone made me happy. Or our last little day trip to Kingston (2021) where you had me drive you and Ike for 2 hours only for us to use the washroom, eat Fish n Chips in the car and have me drive back because it was too cold for you to get out the car and sightsee * laughs*It hurt me to see you as vulnerable as you were and those images still live in my head but you will always be the strongest woman I know, yes “know” because although you are no longer in the physical, I know you will always be with us in spirit. You were tough but still vulnerable in your own right and I’m glad I was able to tap into that before your health declined. I asked you last summer how you were able to cope after losing your mother and father, and from that moment, I made that same promise to myself. Your response still rings in my ears. Knowing I did all I could in my power and your last words to me being “Thank you” is what has been giving me strength during this difficult time.
Mommy, I still can’t believe you are gone and I miss you dearly. I’m thankful I was able to splurge on you a bit but I still had so much I wanted to do for you and so much I wanted to give to you. While you left us to be with the Lord and passed on loved ones on Ike’s 35th Birthday, I know that was your way of reminding us in making sure that he is well looked after as he was your baby, and he will be looked after. I know how proud you were of me,  especially after my transformation and starting my small business, you believed in me and were my biggest supporter, I will continue to make you proud by using that incentive. You instilled a lot in me and I will keep your legacy alive.

I miss you, I love you forever and I pray you are at peace for you are no longer in pain.God bless your soul
Your one and only Nne Ngo

P.S. I know you know but you looked beautiful at your final viewing.

Nkechi and Ngozi early years


Emeka Ukwu (son)

A tribute to a mother, wife, and grandmother; Mrs. Nkechi Ukwu.

Dear Mother,

As I write this tribute with great sadness in my heart, I must remember this was God’s calling, and he shall not be questioned. Instead, we shall reflect on the wonderful time you were on this earth. Your absences will be greatly missed, but not forgotten. All your teachings; from how to be loving and caring, to always putting family first, will not be forgotten, and will be passed down to generations. Special moments such as Christmas or birthdays will never be the same, but we shall forge ahead. We thank you for all the memories. The days of consoling us during hard times, or just giving us positive reinforcement when it was needed. As they say, there’s no love like a mother’s love, and that statement has validity as each day goes by since your passing. My siblings and father were lucky to have you as our mother, and father, as his wife, for many years. Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when someone you’ve known from birth is permanently gone. But I take comfort knowing we’ll see each other again one day. As they say, till we meet again. Goodbye Mommy! We all love and miss you.


Nkechi with Emeka and Chibuzo


Ike Ukwu (son)

Mommy, you were the hardest worker even when you were sick. I admired your positive attitude to stay strong when your body was not cooperating, you took care of me while I was in the hospital, and I will never forget that. During the days you were home, I am thankful that I was able to take care of you to the best of my abilities. I was always happy to accompany you to your doctor’s appointments or anytime you had to leave the house. You were our queen mother and took care of us and everything that a loving mother would do. I miss you, I sometimes fill up your water bottle thinking you are in the hospital and would be home soon. I went to the movies last weekend, forgetting that you would not be waiting up for me to ask me how my outing was, this made me sad. I want to let you know that I started working last week so that I will not be in the house alone, also I enjoy the job, so don’t worry too much, I will be fine. I hope you are at peace, until we meet again your loving son, Ike “Nwa mama” Ukwu.

Nkechi with ike


Tribute by Eldest son, Chibuzo Emmanuel Ukwu

My mum was a devoted wife and an incredible mother to myself and my 3 siblings. The matriarch of our family, the glue that kept us all together! There was nothing my mother wouldn’t do for us, she suffered, struggled and fought to give us the very best she could. I will never forget her efforts and hope I can be half the parent she was to my siblings and I. Her passing has truly left me devastated, but I can take some solace in knowing that she was present to meet my wife and son. I can vow her memory will live on through me as I will always seek to make her proud. Mum, please continue to watch over us, until we meet again.

Nkechi with Chibuzo

Tribute by Daughter in Law, Nadiya Ukwu

I have been lucky enough to be part of the Ukwu family for the past few years. My mother in-law Mary, my father-in-law Emmanuel and the whole family welcomed me in warmly. I feel so grateful and thankful to have had the time to get to know Mary as a mother, a friend and incredible grandmother. She always wanted the best for her family, and we had many conversations about the importance of family and being prepared for life’s ups and downs. She had a wonderfully witty and playful sense of humor and liked to tease me when I said Igbo words incorrectly. She was patient and kind and made me feel loved and appreciated. I will always admire her bravery in coming to Canada with four young children and building a foundation. She worked tirelessly and instilled values of loyalty and hard work in her children. I am proud and privileged to be part of this wonderful family and I will miss my second mother with all my heart.