Dr Christine Noronha

Canadian scientist Dr Christine Noronha is driving innovation in agriculture

(NC) When it comes to the sciences, there’s a wide range of career opportunities. But without unique and diverse perspectives, the ability to address and overcome challenges is limited.

Women bring valuable knowledge, skill sets and ideas to the field, and the increase in women scientists is helping drive innovation. In the agricultural sector, Dr. Christine Noronha is leading the way for young women with her ground-breaking work.

An entomologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada for more than 20 years, Dr. Noronha is one of Canada’s leading experts on crop insects and how to contain them. She designed the NELT or Noronha Elaterid Light Trap. This device shines a small solar-powered light into a cup that is placed in the ground. It’s the world’s first device that attracts and drowns female click beetles, which would otherwise give way to thousands of wireworms, a common potato plant predator.

As a leader in her field, Dr. Noronha understands the importance of mentorship, particularly when it comes to young women.

“I want to make it easier to continue to break down barriers for women in science and agriculture. I’ve had to overcome many obstacles to get where I am today and to help others reach their goals is a great honour.”

For those looking to embark on a career in science and agriculture, there are a variety of career options in the agricultural or agri-food sector. Find more information on inclusive and collaborative government science opportunities at agriculture.canada.ca/en/department/careers.
