
Saturday 24 October.

 Canadian World Education Foundation (CWEF) hosted a wonderful social, cultural and networking Event in support of CWEF Tanzania at 176 Rideau Street in downtown Ottawa. The event showcased African culture in a wide range of forms: music, dance, cuisine, khanga fashion show and more. It was a team effort composed of over 10 volunteers and the results were tremendous! The proceeds support education sponsorship for vulnerable children in Tanzania.
Event organiser Petronilla Michael was filled with joy and gratitude as she posted on her Facebook page:
 “Tears of joy!!! I am deeply humbled to announce that our Tonight’s for Tanzania fundraiser raised over $2500! Shout out to our dedicated committee members, volunteers, all attendees and all who donated towards our cause. I am immensely thankful to God for putting this passion in my heart and for making everything happen as it did. My take away from this experience is, we always will have reasons for not pursuing our dreams. Challenges will always arise. But nothing should stop us. Because the moment we put our hearts in doing our best, something magical will happen. And we will be amazed by the results. If you contributed to this event in any way, just know that you have made a huge impact in a desperate child’s life. The gift of education you have given is priceless because no one will be able to take it away from these precious kids! Together we have made a step in building a strong community-in making this world a better place. Anna Agnieszka, your leadership in pulling this together is duly noted!!!Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!”.

Photo credit: Muhuji Mshana.