by John Adeyefa
In the wake of last year 2015 South African Xenophobia attack on some African immigrants in South Africa.
The Nigerian Canadian Association President John Adeyefa reached out to Ghana Association President Robert Otoo to rally other African Communities together to stand up against Xenophobia. The group presented and made demands on eradication of Xenophobia known to the South African High Commissioner.
The two African Presidents have been meeting and working together since this event with Community Developers from Southwest Community Health Center (SWCHC) regularly to bringing African Community Associations together as one with one voice. This initiative resulted in bringing together twenty three 23 African Presidents and Leaders together in January and March 2016.
Steering Committee
The African Presidents elected a Steering Committee to come up with a Name, Vision, Mission and By-laws. Members of the Steering Committee are Dr. Galal-Eldien Ali, Sudanese Canadian Association Ottawa, John Adeyefa, Nigerian Canadian Association Ottawa. Robert Otoo, Ghana Association Ottawa. Boniface Mweu, President of Kenyan Community in Ottawa, David Gikaru, Guillaume Mulimbwa, SWCHC and Hector Addison, SWCHC.
Name, Vision & Mission.
African Canadians Association of Ottawa name was adopted.
The following Vision and Mission were ratified with new By-laws.
- To unite Africans in Ottawa
- To promote diversity
- To showcase our cultural values
- To serve as a forum for discussion of issues affecting our community, Canada and Africa.
- To provide social and settlement services to new arrivals and integrate them into being a Canadian.
- To celebrate African heritage and pass it on to the larger Canadian society.
Objectives of Association
- Enhance and further the cultural and social life within the community of Canadians of African Origin.
- Cultivate and maintain African customs and traditions without clash with the mainstream Canadian Community,
- Engage in various sport and recreational activities,
- Foster understanding and cooperation with other communities and the multicultural heritage of Canada
- Celebrate the African heritages and pass it on to the new generations and Canadian society at large.
- Provide social and settlement services to new African immigrants,
- refugees, and students to enhance their better understanding and integration in the Canadian society.
- Develop and provide program and services for women, men,
- children, youth, seniors, and persons with special needs.
- Serve as a forum for discussion of issues affecting our community, Canada and Africa
- Enhance the health status of our community by addressing social and other determinants of health.
The scope of ACAO activities include, but not limited to the following:
- Holding or facilitating, from a neutral stand, conferences, seminars, workshop about African or a Canadian national issue.
- Commemorating and celebrating national and religious events such as Africa Day, Canada Day, African Democratic events, Islamic and Christian events and the New Year.
- Sponsoring, supporting, and encouraging artistic works and performances of diverse views (i.e. poem, play, film etc.).
- Issuing media releases or communiqués regarding African or Canadian national issues that promote Human Rights and Principles of Democracy.
- Participating in humanitarian relief efforts and report.
Core Principles. What we stand for:
- We are Community Based
- We are Non-partisan
- We support Human Rights and Democracy
- We do not support African dictators
- We are Social organization
- We adhere to principles of Transparency and Accountability
- We are for Social Justices
Coming Summer Events. Save the Dates.
- African Multiculturalism Day Celebration.
Date: June 25, 2016. Time: 12 Noon
Venue: Vincent Massey Park. Bandstand Area.
- African Canadian Association Ottawa, Launching.
Date: June 27, 2016. Time: 12 Noon
Venue: City Hall.
- Nigerian Mega Picnic 2016.
Date: July 9, 2016. Time: 1 PM
Venue: Vincent Massey Park. Bandstand Area.
About the writer
John Adeyefa is President of the Nigerian Canadian Association Ottawa.