Bishop Jacob Afolabi: The Good Word – The Raven and the Dove
The Raven and the Dove …. Genesis 8:6-12 by Bishop Jacob Afolabi Genesis 8:6 After forty days Noah opened a window Genesis 8:7 and sent out a raven. It did…
Damages awarded in racial profiling case
September 11, 2017|Written By Gabrielle Giroda Anthony Morgan says a recent ruling concerning racial profiling by police is important for a new generation of lawyers and community workers interested in the…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Bullying, Bias, And Burnout. Why These 3 ‘B’s Could Be Derailing Your Career
Bullying, Bias, And Burnout. Why These 3 ‘B’s Could Be Derailing Your Career by Dr. Helen Ofosu Often the word derailment is associated with an accident, a slip off the track…
Ottawa’s Gwen Madiba is first runner-up in Mrs. Universe competition
Mrs Gabon, Gwen Madiba Moubouyi was named Mrs Universe First Runner-Up. She lit up the stage with a colourful, traditional ethnic wear Source: South Coast Sun Image copyrightAFP The…
Grand opening for Cultural Arts Studio of Afro-Caribbean Dance
Saturday 9 September All roads in Ottawa appeared to lead to lead to 40 Colonnade Road last Saturday as just about everybody who was anybody headed for…
Jean Augustine’s birthday celebration boosts Chair at York University
SEP 23 September 23, 2017 The Jean Augustine Chair at York University has received a financial boost from proceeds accrued from the trailblazer’s recent 80th birthday celebration that attracted nearly 650…
Ililli Ahmed: How to tell if you’re the token black friend
by Ililli Ahmed Although this article focuses on tokenization from a black person’s perspective, the reality is that every minority, at one point or another, will be tokenized. You…
Community Dialogue on Equity addresses barriers to employment and access to services
Thursday, 21 September Over fifty community leaders, service providers, government and non-government organisations, gathered at the YM-YWCA on Argyle Ave on Thursday, to take part in a workshop with the…
Health seminar sheds light on opioid abuse and HIV/AIDS prevention
Members of the African & Caribbean Health Network of Ottawa: Chris, Zhaida, Ayan, Abel, Haoua and Cory Photo copyright…
Shana Seifert: The Answers are in Your Roots
by Shana Seifert I have always been fascinated by natural black hair. I think it’s amazing how different the textures can be on one head and even more…