On Wednesday 28 August, the people of Ottawa commemorated the 50th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington, including Dr. King’s historic “I Have a Dream” speech. Parkdale United Church was packed with people of all races, creeds and ethnicity in an inspirational interfaith and intercultural celebration filled with reflections, African American gospel and spiritual music, spoken word, and recollections from those who attended the march and heard the speech on August 28, 1963 in person. Rev. Anthony Bailey graciously led this unique ceremony, which he co-hosted with Sarah Onyango. Among the more memorable items on the packed schedule were eye witness remembrances and reflections of the Washington march by David and Toby Brooks, who had marched alongside MLK, spoken word poetry by Doretta Charles and a “reading in three voices” by John Harewood, Lloyd Sanford and Ewart Walters.