Advice column for small businesses and people in process making decisions about career choices and progress.
Dr. Ofosu: Online job scams
A person searching for work online may come upon what looks like the perfect job. But is it real, or is it just another scammer luring unsuspecting job seekers into…
Dr. Ofosu: Workaholic or just working too hard?
by Dr. Helen Ofosu Some of my clients have wondered if they have turned into workaholics. Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and my answers on this…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Launch your career
by Dr. Helen Ofosu The fact that when taking off, planes do so against the wind, an interesting fact that appears to parallel many events in my life. Finding new…
Helen Ofosu: The side hustle
by Dr. Helen Ofosu With the advancement of new technology, self-employment is now easier than it has ever been. At the same time, there has been a dramatic increase in part-time…
Dr. Ofosu: How’s your time management?
Back in 1964, Bob Dylan sang this famous line: ‘The times they are a-changing”. That message is still current and relevant today as it was back then. The world is…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Personal and workplace boundaries
The modern workplace is changing rapidly due to automation. Mobile devices are routinely used by workers both in the workplace and in their personal lives. Although automation has many…
Dr. Ofosu: Return to work a big challenge
by Dr. Helen Ofosu | Returning to work after a lengthy absence can be challenging and a source of anxiety for many workers. Prolonged absence from the workplace could be due to…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Hiring a new employee
by Dr. Helen Ofosu | The question gets asked sometimes: Which takes longer: hiring an employee, or buying a car? There are also those who say employers don’t take enough time to…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Overqualified for your job?
by Dr. Helen Ofosu | Each one of us has unlimited ability to do anything we set our mind on, or so we are told. That may well account for us…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Working from home alone
by Dr. Helen Ofosu Today, we can do almost everything from the comforts of our home, from online shopping, therapy , advice and expertise, studying, and finding a mate from…