Advice column for small businesses and people in process making decisions about career choices and progress.
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Benefits of having a work mentor
by Dr. Helen Ofosu At a strategic planning session for young tech entrepreneurs, Diana Davies-Harju, the CMO of Magnifi asked me to talk about the benefits of having a coach and…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Dealing with cannabis at work
by Dr. Helen Ofosu | Oct 20, 2018 | The legalization of cannabis on Wednesday 17 October, 2018, was a truly historic day in Canada. Many advocates had fought long and hard…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Beware of office romances
I have come to the conclusion that some of the office romance antics that go on in movies could get a person in some serious hot water in real…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: When to quit an impossible job
by Dr. Helen Ofosu September 2018 “Jane ” realised she had made the wrong decision the first day at the job that would end her career. The supervisor showed her…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Racism at your work place
Racism … Do you have it at your work place? by Dr. Helen Ofosu | Jun 2, 2018 | These days whenever you turn on the TV, radio or even flip through your…
Helen Ofosu: Corporate wolves
by Dr. Helen Ofosu In the proverbial ‘work jungle’, we have heard or used descriptions that come from the animal kingdom, to describe people getting ahead professionally, including: “Wow, John in…
Helen Ofosu: Workplace favouritism
The workplace is no place for favouritism by Dr. Helen Ofosu | Apr 7, 2018 | I have one child and this makes it OK for me to call him my favourite son. However, in…
Helen Ofosu: Your career as an immigrant
by Dr. Helen Ofosu It is common for me to share real-life experiences that relate to careers or HR in my blogs. Sometimes they are about myself, occasionally they…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: About Reference Checks
What You Need To Know About Reference Checks by Dr. Helen Ofosu | Q1: In 2015 you wrote a blog article that asked if reference checks were worthwhile. The short answer was a…
Dr. Helen Ofosu: Is your job safe?
Is your job immune from being replaced by technology? by Dr. Helen Ofosu | With industries and organizations increasingly relying onautomation, artificial intelligence (AI) and other forms of technology it’s important to…