17 Feb 2025

Category: Right Slider

People making a difference

N’Guessan wins award 

Ivorian AI engineer becomes first woman to win Africa prize Royal Academy of EngineeringCopyright: Royal Academy of Engineering Technology entrepreneur Charlette N’Guessan has won this year’s Royal Academy of Engineering…

Right Slider

Michaëlle Jean: Racism struggle 

Racism: A constant struggle MICHAËLLE JEAN CONTRIBUTED TO THE GLOBE AND MAILPUBLISHED JUNE 12, 2020 Michaëlle Jean was governor-general of Canada, UNESCO special envoy for Haiti and secretary-general of La…

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Lawyers offer free legal advice 

Montreal lawyers offer free advice to victims of racism and exclusion by Paul Cherry   •  Montreal Gazette Jul 04, 2020  Share As usual, people showed up at retired boxer Ali Nestor’s…

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Racism in Canadian sports 

r Canadian athletes detail experiences with racism in sports Myles Dichter · CBC Sports · Fear of violent racism has followed Brandon McBride throughout his life. Similar to Ahmaud Arbery, the 26-year-old runner…

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Remembering Dr. Stephen Blizzard 

Stephen Blizzard blazed a trail in aviation and medicine News June 12, 2020 For all the accolades, awards and military decorations Dr. Stephen Blizzard received during an illustrious and trailblazing…

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Former Mountie sues RCMP for racism 

Former Manitoba Mountie suing RCMP for systemic racism, discrimination Brett Forester Jul 14, 2020 Marge Hudson launched a proposed systemic racism class-action on July 7 Former Mountie Marge Hudson seen…