by Henry Eruotor
On Saturday, April 11, the vice-president of the Nigerian-Canadian Association in Ottawa celebrated her 40th birthday in style. Christiana Ogah was feted with music, lively dancing, heartfelt prayers and wise speeches. Among the guests were the president of the Nigerian-Canadian Association in Ottawa Mr John Adeyefa, the president and members of the Edo/Delta Association in Ottawa, the president of the Cameroonian-Canadian Association, Joy Osiagwu of Nigeria Television Authority (NTA), and a host of other special guests. Christiana could not hold back tears of gratitude as she was showered with gifts, blessings and love, especially from her husband and children.
Photo credits: Henry Eruotor & John Adeyefa
wiords will fail me if I begin to write about Christiana Ogah, the only thing I have for her is to keep up her good work and be smooth as ever,lots and lots of love from the Ovbiageles
A great woman indeed !