The Agoro family joins friends and well-wishers for a photo shoot Photo credit: Emma Ukwu
Saturday, August 19, 2017
15th Annual Dapo Fun Day
by Shola Agoro
Another successful Dapo Fun Day was held on Saturday August 19th at the Blackburn Community Centre. The day was shrouded by the uncertainty of the weather but clear skies and sunshine prevailed. Given this was the 15th year for the event there were a lot of Dapo’s longtime friends in attendance. New faces surrounded by old faces marked the importance of the message and the person. Moji and SholaAgoro spoke to the importance peaceful conflict resolution. Providing a few tips on how to handle an escalated situation. They touched on the importance of working with our communities to build stronger and healthier relationships. Natalie Domey of Young Leaders AdvisoryCouncil and Black History Ottawa, gave an empowering speech on communities and the importance of working better together. She had a very special activity for the attendees, where they wrote down their intentions on a seed packet which we planted. The aim is to show the youth that if we continue to feed out intentions with proper action and care we will watch it grow.
There was a very important moment where we spoke to the most recent loss in Ottawa of Ashton Dickson. We had a moment of silence to mark his life and pay respect to his mother who was in attendance.
The Honourable Marie-France Lalonde was on hand to speak to the audience. The Honourable Andrew Leslie was not able attend but did send his regards to the team. Councillor Mitic was not able to attend but his team was, smiling and helpful as always. Old friend and former MPP Phil McNeely was early lending a hand setting up and greeting the attendees.
Let me not forget to speak to the amazing, inspiring and talented local artists that volunteered to share their craft at the fun day. City Fidelia, King Kimbit, John Concious, Wil China and King Pac. The DJs, DJ Frank Play and DJ PhilKid kept the day music going and everyone dancing.
And the Nigerian community, never cease to amaze us. It did matter if you were Ibo or Hausa or Yoruba, they were out in great numbers showing support to the Agoro Family and the cause.
Unity at is purest form is strength. Showing that we will be silent we will continue to raise our voice against this violence.
If you missed it, don’t worry the Dapo Agoro Foundation will be there next year 3rd Saturday in August. Spreading the message of non-violence, peace and community.
Editor’s note
The Dapo Agoro Foundation for Peace was created in memory of Dapo Agoro, a kind, gentle, compassionate young man who was murdered in 2002, while trying to break up a fight in an Ottawa night club. It embraces Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of a world where nonviolence is a way of life.The Foundation looks to bring Ottawa’s youth and the community at large together to fight against the rise of youth violence.
The proceeds of the fund-raising are used for an annual Scholarship Award for Peace that is given to a graduating student at Lester B. Pearson Catholic High School who exemplifies Dapo’s Christian beliefs in non-violence and peaceful resolution of conflict.
For more information about the Dapo Agoro Foundation for Peace visit: