OHS President’s Award Presented to the Ontario Black History Society
The Ontario Historical Society is pleased to present the 2020-21 OHS President’s Award, which recognizes an outstanding contribution to the preservation and promotion of Ontario’s history, to the Ontario Black History Society (OBHS).
Founded in 1978 and incorporated by the Ontario Historical Society on April 17, 1979, the OBHS is a not-for-profit, charitable organization dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and study of Black history. The Society aims to foster a deeper public understanding of Black history through education, research, and community cooperation.
The OBHS was instrumental in the creation of a Black History Month in Ontario. Every year, the OBHS holds a Black History Month Kick-Off Brunch featuring live entertainment, award ceremonies, a keynote address, and presentations from cultural and political leaders on the importance of recognizing and teaching Black history in our province. The OBHS also holds Emancipation Day celebrations at Queen’s Park every year.
Over the years, the OBHS has worked to promote Ontario’s Black history in our communities by creating exhibits, presentations, workshops, tours, professional development events, conferences, and more. For many years, the OBHS partnered with the Ontario Historical Society to host workshops on Black History education across the province.
Founded in 1888, the Ontario Historical Society is a non-profit corporation and registered charity dedicated to the preservation and celebration of Ontario’s history for people of all ages and cultural backgrounds. In their work to preserve and promote the study of Black History in Ontario, the organization partners with community groups and institutions across Ontario, including: Historica, Parks Canada, the Archives of Ontario, Myseum of Toronto, the Ontario Historical Society, and many more.
An all-volunteer Board of Directors drives the organization with passion and commitment. The work of the OBHS has had a significant and measurable impact on how we celebrate and recognize Black history, Black culture, and Black voices in our province. The Honours and Awards Committee is pleased to present the Ontario Black History Society with the 2020-21 OHS President’s Award.