Helen Ofosu

By Helen Ofosu

woman working late but quiet firing

Do you feel unfairly targeted with criticism by your boss, even if you have been putting in your best on the job? You are definitely not alone. There are many others out there who feel their bosses are out to make their work life as miserable as possible. Like you, they may be victims of what is now referred to as “quiet firing”.

Click here to continue reading.

Quiet Firing: When Something “Feels Off” at Work (ioadvisory.com)

Dr. Helen Ofosu was born and raised in the Toronto area but her roots are in Jamaica and Ghana. She offers Career Coaching and HR Consulting using her background in Industrial / Organizational Psychology (aka Business Psychology) as the foundation for her practice. She founded I/O Advisory Services in 2012 and is accessible by phone, email, Facebook, and LinkedIn.  She can be reached at 613-424-8689 or helen@ioadvisory.com. Web: www.ioadvisory.com.