Jacques Maringumu
Jacques Maringumu

by Pamela Ingeri

To our handsome young father: Jacques Maringumu

You are a hardworking man, a mentor and a confident. You are a sensitive soul, with reserved emotions, but a deep loving heart and a very comforting demeanor. You never once left our side, and you coached us through the most difficult times in our lives. We can never repay you for the sacrifices you have made for your children and your wife. Your energy and ambition in life is what drives us to make you proud and to keep pushing harder. You showed us the value of a strong work ethic and taught us that nothing in life is free. We can honestly say that we would not be where we are today without your wisdom, guidance and strong companionship. We just want you to know that you have always held this family together and we truly appreciate you. Please know in your heart that we are so proud of you Papa and we cannot find the words to simply say…..thank you.

Happy Father’s Day.

Love, your beautiful children and stunning wife.