Godwin Ifedi
Photo by Darren Goldstein/DSG Photo.

Good morning all

Hope you all had a scary, “haunti-ful” Halloween. Had lots of fun handing out candies to some forty children from our neighbourhood., my grandson included. Today, we bring readers some ground-breaking news, starting with the election of Bernadette Clement as Cornwall first Black and female mayor, our Top Story for November. Ottawa didn’t do so well in the October municipal elections, but we did get our first Black School Trustees, Valerie Assoi and Roda Muse, both elected by acclamation to the French Catholic and Public School Boards respectively. Another ground breaker was the recent appointment of Camille Williams-Taylor as first Black Director of Education with the Ottawa Carleton Public School Board. Just as exciting is the award of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize to Dr. Denis Mukwege, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A noteworthy milestone was reached as Ignatius and Margaret Kemdirim celebrated 60 years of happy marriage. Black Ottawa Scene salutes this amazing couple for their exemplary modeling of what marriage should be about. 

Our Associate Editor Kika Otiono brings us an interview with King Kimbit, an iconic figure among the city’s youth.  We also bring you news and pics as Nigerians celebrated their 58th Independence anniversary.  As Canadians enter into the unknown territory with the legalization of cannabis, Dr. Helen Ofosu provides readers with insight on the implications of this development in the workplace.

All these and more in the November 2018 edition.

Here is the result of the October 2018 poll: Have you ever sent an e-mail which you immediately regretted because it hurt or embarrassed the recipient?

Yes 100%

No 0%

Thank you to all who voted. Remember to vote in the November 2018 poll: Do you celebrate Halloween?

All these and more in the November 2018 edition. Wishing all our readers and their loved ones a happy productive month.

Godwin Ifedi
