Dreamkeepers celebrate the 2022 Martin Luther King Day

Monday 17 January 2022

Floydeen Charles-Fridal Photo copyright Black Ottawa Scene

Ottawa’s DreamKEEPERS hosted the 2022 Martin Luther King Jnr Day celebrations with a virtual event and community award ceremony. With community leader Robin Browne at the helm, the event included a proclamation of Martin Luther King Day by Mayor Jim Watson; keynote speech by political trailblazer Hon Jean Augustine;  and the Hon. Jean Augustine DreamKEEPERS Life Achievement award to renowned community leader, Floydeen Charles-Fridal.

Other awards presented were: Youth-In-Service Awards:  Patrick Anthony Ayah O’Loan and Sindhiya Alwani Outstanding Leadership Awards: Floyd Hutchinson, Ayan Dualeh, and Ketcia Peters.

Below is the citation for the Life Achievement award presented to Floydeen Charles-Fridal:

For blazing a trail of leadership and innovation through the Harriet Turman Community Organization, Youth Clinical Services, Black Health Alliance, TAIBU & Rexdale Community Health Centres, Coalition of Rexdale Organizations for the Prevention of Youth Violence, Inner City Health Strategy Group, and Kiswahili

For exposing the role that race and poverty play as determinants of health in Canada, as a community advocate for health equity & social justice

For your initiative in developing a coordinated community response to youth violence and prevention

For your heart of service to work with the most vulnerable populations with a focus on mental health, as a crisis response trainer

A Proud Nation Salutes You.