Mom was the most hardworking, dedicated, and caring person I know. She was a true Christian who lived her faith every day with unwavering devotion. Her love for her family, friends, and community was evident in everything she did…
She raised four children with the values of hard work and determination, always leading by example. She was a role model for me and my siblings, and we strive to follow in her footsteps every day. Even in her final days, she remained selfless, putting the needs of others before her own.
Mom was a trusted advisor to many. Her wisdom and guidance were sought after by all who knew her. She had a way of making everyone feel heard and valued, and her advise was always thoughtful and wise. She often went out of her way to help anyone in need, and her kind heart touched so many lives. Her grandchildren were the light of her life, and she always made sure to let them know how much she loved them.
Moms passing will leave a void in lives that cannot be filled, but we take comfort in knowing that she lived a life of purpose and left a lasting legacy of love and kindness. We will always cherish the memories we shared with her.
May her soul Rest in Peace!
Eheneden Obaseki (Son)

Though my mother may be gone, she will never be forgotten. Her memories will live on as we do, in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls. My mom was one of the strongest and bravest women to grace this planet. Without her I wouldn’t be here today. We will miss her dearly. Love, Iyogie (Daughter)

Mom your love and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am forever grateful for all that you did for me. You were a great inspiration to me, and others and you shared your life so willingly. The joy you brought us will never end and one day we will be together again! Though we miss you we know You are with Jesus and those who have gone on before. Mom you were an astonishing soul, always there for all of us who came to You with our troubles. To the world, you were one person, but to me, you were the world. I miss you deeply and thank you for being a great Mom!! Love you with all my heart!
Love, Osayande Dave Obaseki, Connie Obaseki, Caleb Obaseki and Carter Obaseki.

Dear Mom,
It’s been hard to accept that you’re no longer with us. I miss you every day, but I take comfort in the fact that you are now at peace. As your daughter, or ‘mymmy’s handbag’ as your closest friends would sometimes call me, I feel blessed to have had you as my mother, my mentor, and my friend.
You were an amazing mother, always putting your family first, and making sure we had everything we needed. Your selflessness was evident in everything you did, from the way you cared for us to the way you opened your heart and your home to others.
Growing up, I learned so much from you – your strength, your resilience, your patience, and your unwavering love. You taught me to always be fair, to treat others with respect, and to be thankful for the blessings in my life. Your influence on my life is immeasurable, and I will always be grateful for the guidance and wisdom you shared with me.
As an adult, I appreciated our conversations, our laughs, and even our teachable moments. I learned so much from your experiences and your perspective on life. I admire the way you always faced challenges with courage and determination, and the way you embraced life with joy and enthusiasm.
Now that you’re gone, I feel a profound loss, but I will always cherish the memories we created together. I know that your legacy will continue to live on through the lessons you taught us and the love we shared. I hope that I can continue to make you proud, to live my life with the values you instilled in me, and to honour your memory in everything I do.
Thank you, Mom, for being a wonderful mother. I love you and miss you dearly.
Rest in peace.
Love, Osarume (Osa) Obaseki-Ikenuo (Daughter)

I met Brenda when I became best friends with her daughter Iyogie when we were the age of 12. My home life was tumultuous, and Brenda was well aware of that. She welcomed me into her house like I had always been there, letting me play dress up in her beautiful clothes, feeding me meals (then giggling when I couldn’t handle the spice), letting me sleepover whenever I needed to, and inviting me to come to church with her. As I grew up she always checked in on me, and even my children too, that I eventually had. Always being just as supportive of them and all they did. She always told me what a good mother I was and how proud she was of me. She introduced me to people with her arm around me, saying I was her extra daughter. Brenda always made me feel like family. I am forever grateful for her kindness, and I loved her very much.
Sarah Arnold

The rude shock of your least expected demise is still a mystery to us in the entire Erhahon Family to which your late mother-in-law belonged.
Our family holds only good memories of you throughout the period you were with us on earth. You were humble, quiet, intelligent, thoughtful, generous, respectful and helpful to every member of our family you came across both at home in Nigeria and abroad; the same kindness which you naturally extended to strangers as well.
I already miss your company, friendship, bond, good spirits. Distance wasn’t ever a barrier to the care you showed to all you loved. I remember when we met for the first time in Miami Florida where we shared good moments together as would-be in-laws, leading up to your wedding in Florida. Since the news of your passing, I have recalled the pleasant memories of your early days in Montreal when you moved from the States to join me in Canada while I was studying there. We did shop together, took nice photographs, shared meals, had nice chats, lived under the same roof for a while with your family not just as in-laws but as sisters. I still have copies of the many fond letters we exchanged as sisters, which I will forever keep close to my heart.
Dearest Ukinebo, thank you for trusting me and giving me the chance to witness and be a part of the births of Heneden and Iyogie. Thank you for marrying into my family, for bearing us the best children and grandchildren, for all the sacrifices you made in raising them gallantly and, of course, for staying in your marriage until your last breath, which is exemplary of your very strong Christian values.
I am proud of you, Ukinebo, in so many ways:
I’m proud of your Christian life. You reached out to everyone with the gospel of Christ and shared your thoughts of Him and the salvation that He brought to mankind. I personally miss those moments of sharing the word of God with you each time we met, spoke on the phone, or exchanged messages online. One of such values you epitomised was forgiveness of all those who have wronged you as you believed the Lord Jesus Himself prescribed forgiveness and indeed forgave. We take solace in the fact that you believed in the Almighty God and His only begotten son, Jesus the Christ, at whose feet all true believers like yourself will meet in eternity, never to part anymore. I’m looking forward to that day!
I’m proud of the family you were born into. You have always been proud of your family. You cherished your great father and his dignified memories. You dotted upon your mother and the memories of her sweet, loving soul. You held your siblings in very high esteem, particularly your late immediate elder brother, whose personality was just as admirable as yours. Your well renowned background of Oloke, Emokpae and Oshodin families shows how much of a well-bred daughter you were of three great families of the Benin Kingdom. Who could have wished for a better one? You were thus a perfect representative and a true ambassador of your family. The many years of your visits to and stay outside of your native Benin City, Edo State of Nigeria home, could not erode the good stuffs of which you were made.
I’m proud of you as an in-law. Every “Lavbieze”, which you greeted till the end, was on bended knees to your elders in both the Obaseki and Erhahon families into which you were married. Your presence and support in most of our family gatherings are remembered for good. Your name was a household name in positive references. My children, Omoye, Nosa, Osarodion, Osagioduwa and Ose, are all saddened by your exit. Members of your husband’s maternal family, to which we belong, were very much loved by you, and are sadly touched by your transition because you played life-changing roles across our extended families.
I’m proud of you as a mother and grandmother. You gave us 4 lovely children and 11 grandchildren who are well behaved and educated because of your positive impacts in their lives. What a fulfillment of a God-sent assignment. We bless the Good Lord for multiplying and blessing you with good seeds. Yours is a case of “No biee ma wu, to fiya” which means your memory can never be lost because you will remain alive in your children and their offspring, and even down many generations to come.
I salute your struggles, bravery, scholarship, passion for Christ and marital/family devotion. Sleep on my sister and friend. Sleep on, the wife of my nephew.
Ovbie Lucy n’Emama!
Ulema ikhe ekhen!
Ovbi’eken na gbeen!
Iye n’okhua!
Golo gha rriowa, ow’ofumwengbe!
Ma w’okhien edehia!
Ako n’uye vb’erinmwin, evbu evbu
Rest in Peace!
“Auntie Evelyn” (as you fondly called me).
A.k.a, Mrs Evelyn Odia. (Nee Erhahon)

In memory of my grandma,
To our lovely grandma, we think about you always, we talk about you still. You will never be forgotten, and you never will. We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain. We cherish the moments spent with you and it hurts to know that you’re not around. Just to show that we remember. Time May pass and fade away but memories of you will always stay. Keep resting in the bosom of God and keep watching over us all till we meet to part no more. We love and miss you Grandma. Love From Trinity & Siblings.

*****************************************************************************************************TRIBUTE TO MRS. UKINEBO BRENDA OBASEKI
Mrs. Brenda Obaseki was a wonderful woman, her arms were always open to all and especially members of her Nigerian Canadian community. She was in my opinion, like a second mom to many. I remember speaking many times and talking for hours with her. She always had great stories and advice. She personally reached out to me immediately after my inauguration as the President, Nigerian Canadian Association Ottawa (NCAO). She said; “You and your team have changed the face of the NCAO. I am so proud of you and what your team has achieved so far, I am glad to know that you will continue as the new president. I am here to give you my full support” We always admired her dedication and support in community unity and building, we wish we could have seen her in more recent years but will always keep the fond memories we have of her. She was a very loving woman with a beautiful soul. Condolences to all her children, their spouses, brothers/sisters and all her grandchildren etc. Our prayers are with you this period. May you rest in peace Mrs. Brenda Obaseki.
Efe Omueti President, NCAO On behalf of the NCAO Board of directors and the general members.
Until we meet again
Dear mother-in-law, you are the mother I received the day I wed your daughter. I just want to thank you for the things you have done. And for giving me a gracious daughter whom I share my life with. It saddens my heart that you are no more with us. Keep resting till we meet to part no more. You’re deeply missed by us all.
Love, Hope (Son-in-law)
Dear Mama aka MiL,
As I sit down to write this tribute to you, I can’t help but think about all of the wonderful memories we shared together. From the moment I entered your family, you welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like one of your own. I will always be grateful for the kindness and love you showed me throughout the years.
You were an amazing mother, grandmother, and friend. Your home was always open to everyone, and your heart was full of generosity and compassion. You touched so many lives with your warmth, your sense of humor, and your unwavering faith. I know that you were a source of strength and inspiration to your children, grandchildren, and all who knew you.
I will never forget the moments we spent together, whether it was cooking meals, sharing stories, or simply sitting in silence, enjoying each other’s company. You taught me so much about family, love, and what it truly means to be a good person. I will always cherish those memories and the lessons you taught me.
Even though you are no longer with us, your spirit lives on in the lives of those you touched. I will never forget your kindness, your laughter, or your love. You will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will always remember you as a woman of great character and strength.
Rest in peace, Mummy. I Love you. You will be missed, but never forgotten.
With love and gratitude, Franklin Ikenuo (Son-In-Law)
Ukinebo Brenda Obaseki was an incredible grandma, and I will miss her so much. She did so many great things in her life. We were copy, paste and print (Ukinebo Brenda Obaseki, Osarume Obaseki-Ikenuo and Fédora Ikenuo) but now we’re paste and print. Although she’s gone, she’ll always be in our hearts. I love you Grandma. Fédora Ikenuo (Grand daughter)
We feel lucky to have known Brenda. She had a quiet generosity and kindness. Her special gift was to make everyone feel deeply appreciated and valued. She shared that gift widely, with her children and grandchildren, whom she loved deeply and with us. Brenda never failed to ask about our children and always asked us to send her love. When she was diagnosed with cancer, Yves forged a special bond with Brenda, having gone through the same ordeal and they went through the ups and downs of her illness together. Through their chats, Yves learned so much about her life and her interests and he came to admire even more her complete dedication to the wellbeing of her family. They even shared some laughs and anecdotes about little Danny. Brenda faced her illness with courage and grace. We will deeply miss her: she made us all better for having known her.
Mae and Yves
Brenda was an amazing mother, grandma, and friend. She was nice and kind. She was willing to help all her family and friends. I love her greatly. I will miss you Grandma. Farrell Ikenuo (Grandson)
Our dear Aunty Uki,
Never imagined I would be writing this under these circumstances.
I can’t believe you are no longer with us; I can’t believe you are no longer there to pick my calls, I can’t believe we wouldn’t be seeing you at all the family celebrations in Ottawa anymore.
What a heartbreaking moment this is, I remember our most recent conversation and never would I have thought that was our final goodbye. I will miss you very much Aunty!
A mother to many, you brought so many people together and I will forever cherish the wonderful memories we shared over the past 15 years of my time in Canada.
With lots of love,
Imeyen Akai
It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to Ukinebo, our beloved in-law. She was an extraordinary person who touched the lives of many with her kindness, generosity, and loving nature. We will always remember Ukinebo for her kindness, warmth, and unwavering love. Although her presence may no longer be with us, she will forever remain in our hearts and memories. Rest in peace my in-law. You will be deeply missed, but your legacy will continue to live on through the countless lives you touched.
Love, Ikenuo Family
The news of your demise came to me as a rude shock, Brenda I’m still in shock as I never thought you will leave us so soon.
We met on my second journey to Canada in year 2000 and we have been inseparable since then. When I relocated to Toronto in 2003, distance was not a barrier as we both travelled back and forth to spend quality time with each other. Together we celebrated when our children got married, have babies and together we mourned when we lost loved ones.
It is very painful that you worked so hard to support your children and extended family and failed to reap the fruits of your labour.
It was a pleasure knowing you, loving you, and meeting you. May you be more blessed in the next life and may your gentle soul find rest at the bosom of our Lord.
ADIEU Brenda, good night and take your rest till we meet to part no more.
Similade Awoliyl
It’s hard to believe you’re gone. You were such a significant part of my life. You were always there for people you love, lifted their spirits, offered guidance, and shared in their laughter and tears. Your presence was a gift. For me, I will always cherish the moments we spent together.
You brought so much joy, laughter, and light into the world, and your absence will be felt deeply.
Although we may not be able to see your smiling face or hear your infectious laughter anymore. But the memories you created with us, the moments we shared, and your meaningful impact on our lives will never fade away.
You were such an inspiring person. You welcomed those who had problems with an open arm.
You were one of the most courageous people I knew. You dared life and you’ve created an impactful footprint to show for it.
Your unwavering positivity, kindness, and strength were an inspiration to everyone around you. You faced challenges with grace and perseverance, and you never failed to uplift those around you.
As we say goodbye, we take comfort in the fact that you are now at peace. You will forever hold a special place in our hearts, and we will cherish your memory always.
There are different kinds of people. but you were the kind that hid in the hearts of others.
Farewell, my friend. My family and I have been beyond lucky to know you.
Rest in Perfect Peace, dear friend. You will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.
Adieu!! Mrs. P.O Edosa.
Big sister and friend, Brenda Ukinebo Obaseki was an elegant lady, a role model, impactful, strong, quietly active, action lady and very intelligent. A family orientated mother, grandmother, wife, sister and daughter, she would go to any length to protect and care for her family and loved ones. An incisive and inspirational leader who could be relied upon. Her insight and support is very well appreciated by the communities she served. Brenda was a woman of prayer, who stuck with her faith in God to the end. The good memories raising our families together and extending a hand of assistance to those in need, will remain in my heart. Sleep well till we meet to part no more. –
Pastor (Mrs) Idowu Ladeinde.
For someone who meant so much and loved by all. Mrs. Brenda Obaseki, you left behind precious moments/memories in the hearts of the people that knew you. Your sudden death came as a great shock, but we can not question GOD. You left behind precious memories to cherish for life. Rest in peace, my friend, MY TWINS SISTER.
Mrs. Christina Akinola
Gone too soon, Mummy as we all call you. You are the first person I met when I arrived in Canada. I remember when you came to pick me up at the airport in Toronto, and how you took me shopping to do my hair at the salon, how you treated me as your own daughter. You loved me like your own child, your love for God and people was and is an inspiration that anyone that knows you will not forget. You walked in Love. We surrender our will to God and accept your transition as a passage for you to be with Him, your maker. You will be surely missed. Goodnight till we meet again. Rest in Heaven, Mummy!
Eniye Igori
In the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time. Titus 1 vs 2, in the sight of the Lord, the death of his faithful ones is valued. Psalm 116 vs 15. God takes the soul. Our minds hold the memories. Our heart keeps the love. Our faith let us know we will meet again. Rest in eternal peace Ma see you again one day.
Edo Association Ottawa
On behalf of the Momoh family, we have known the Obaseki family for over 30 years when they moved to Canada and lived in Pierrefonds, Montreal. Uki was a treasured woman and very close to the family. May her beautiful soul rest in perfect peace and we pray for strength, comfort and peace for her loved ones left behind. May God comfort all whose lives she touched and comfort her children and grandchildren. Rest on Mrs Uki Obaseki.
Fatihat Naike Momoh
My sister and friend Uki! It is still like a nightmare when i got the call that you had passed on to glory. I have always had my Uki, from Manchester to Benin. You have been my baby sister and friend, slept on my bed for many nights when you visited home. Who will call me so many times a day? Who will call me Sister? Who will I speak to on the phone. Everyone made fun of me Ukinebo vbe re phone. We could speak for hours on end. You will be sorely missed my darling Uki but the memories we shared will always live with me. There would never be another YOU. Rest easy in the bosom of our lord where there is no pain, no fear, no worries, and no tears. I promised myself not to cry like an unbeliever for I know we share God’s love. Rest easy!
I love you forever
Good night.
Mrs Violet Eki Abiodun Ehigiamusoe. (Cousin)
Travel Well, Mummy Canada…
…as your contacts in my cellphone read!
I have childhood memories of your charming enigma and charisma. I recall your characteristic smiles behind those idiosyncratic lenses which always stood you out. I recall your unique dress sense – you always loved the whitish, floating dresses.
I already noticed how fantastic a mother you were when I was age 3+, and I admired your style of disciplining your kids. It was your family’s farewell visit prior to your relocation to Canada. You were about to drive off our Uselu residence in the white Mercedes Benz 200 when one of your kids sitting with you in front decided to back the windscreen to stay in touch with his siblings in the rear seat. Having redirected him to no avail, rather than shout or spank, you smiled and said you wouldn’t drive until he sat appropriately – and he complied. Today, they’re all great!
I was always certain to pay you a visit in Canada one day soon; Last year, you and I had agreed that since this summer was obviously inconvenient for you to host me and my family, we would try some other; little did I know that my eventual visit to Canada would be to mourn for you rather than laugh with you.
To think, now, that there will never again come that moment of hearing your reassuring voice say: “eee… wa koyo ooo”, each time I said: “Lamogun mummy” to begin our rewarding conversations whenever you called, and you always did call.
I always looked forward to those frequent, prayerful and reverberating calls and messages which brought hope, peace, courage, smiles, laughter, lessons and wisdom. Those calls also mostly took me down history lane, with stunning consistency.
You loved me and anyone connected to me and reached out to them with your love and care. You would reach out to me and my wife, and leave us messages when we were not available online. You would give us motherly advice and encouragement.
You have consistently given me, us, what’s worth more than silver and gold – rare wisdom which has stood me in good stead: “there is no perfect marriage, but we all have to meet halfway with the willing partners, love and forgive each other their shortcomings; when you are a Christian, it is best to marry a Christian too”.
At some point in my life when I needed a job, geographical distance didn’t deter you. You wielded your influence and got me a fantastic one in UNIBEN, which I ignorantly rejected. Years later, you didn’t hold it against me when I came back asking for a similar assistance. You connected me with a serving commissioner and sitting Chief Judge.
When you learnt that I was now in the UK, you invited me to Canada and suggested great places for me to work. You went as far as sending me links to these jobs. Then you gave me useful tips for applying.
My wife loved you like her own mum, and she admired you so much. She said about your demise, and I believe her: “I have never been this touched by anyone’s death in your family”. Notably, she met you just once in Benin, very briefly, years before we even thought we would become a couple. I recall you teasing me about her.
As I say one last post-mortem “Lamogun mummy” to you, my family and I grieve, we mourn your passage, not because you’re lost, but because we miss you so much. But we are not hopeless, because we know you’re where God’s prepared for you to enjoy, and that we will see you again in the future.
You lived well, you touched lives, you loved all! Indeed, you epitomised the forgiveness that you preached.
Travel well, mummy Ukinebo Brenda Obaseki (née Oshodin); we join your beloved, biological children to say that we love you dearly and miss you greatly.
Prince Osagioduwa Eweka
It is so painful to see you go
You replied my text few weeks ago
Hence I was in shambles when, alas
Osarumen’s voice announced few days later that you have passed.
My tribute today is premature
To one who remains a cynosure
I would have loved to do this in the future
When, at least, I can understand this closure
You were not just an aunt, but my celebrity
Your presence was unmistakably a serenity
You lit up every place and time with your purity
You are, doubtless, a worthy recipient of Heaven’s eternity
As you make your way to the place of guaranteed peace
I mourn here with all those you gave peace
For as long as I live to you it is promised
Your kind and pretty soul will be sorely missed.
Mummy, please rest in peace!
Prince Osarodion Eweka
We all know that parents are always at the top of our loved list. Losing one of them is like the world’s end.
Her kind soul, wise counsel and outstretched hands can’t be quantified.
Mrs Obaseki was the epitome of kindness, and it was actually a great honor knowing her. I remember when I was about to start my career in academia, she was there for me, gave me the connects I needed and treated me just like her own Son. MiL as we fondly call her- May her soul rest in peace and please do watch over us till we meet to part no more!
John Osaro Evbuomwan
Loving and Caring
It feels so surreal that I am writing this!
Aunty Uki as I fondly called her was one cousin who loved family. She showed love to as many as possible and would be remembered for her good deeds and support to the extended family in Nigeria.
A loving and caring mother, grandma, sister, auntie, and cousin.
Aunty Uki was strong and trusted God with all her battles. This was the secret behind her simple lifestyle, yet successful life.
I am sad and very heartbroken by her passing. Still struggling to come to the reality.
We spent quality time together when I visited Ottawa, and I will miss this sorely. The phone calls …. the prayers..the laughter…Oh!! how I will miss all that!!!
I am thankful to God that I was able to show her love in return. She was the big sister I had after the passing of my biological big sisters.
My prayers and thoughts are with Eheneden and Steph, Iyogie and Hope, Osayande and Connie, Osarume and Franklin..also, the grandchildren she cherished so much.
May the comfort of the Holy Spirit be with us all…in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Iyabo Ifueko Akai (Cousin)
A few weeks ago, we chatted and your last words to me were “love you all.” Auntie Uki, thank you for your kind, loving, and compassionate heart.
In 2011 I met you and introduced a smart and hardworking young man to you who did not know anyone who was highly placed in society. During our conversation, I made you promise me that you will ensure he gets into the university if he passes his entrance exam in flying colors. You asked if I believed in him that much I said yes. Thanks to you, that young man is now an engineering graduate from the University of Benin and is impacting lives as our A2S Nigeria Operations Manager.
In 2012, you attended our wedding. You saw it fit to make branded pens because you felt everyone needed a gift to remember our wedding day by. Our friends still have that pen today. And I can never forget how much you danced and celebrated Molly and I that day.
You were so easy to talk to. You saw those who were unseen, and you loved so many. No matter how stormy life was, you always preached peace and reminded me of the role I had to play in “bringing everyone together.”
All I have to say is thank you Auntie. I’ll miss our check-ins and your ever positive outlook on life.
Molly, Osas, Ese, and I love and miss you.
With Joy,
Andrew Lovedale
My aunt, Mrs. Obaseki, was one of the greatest women I had known who ever lived. Above all she was a great friend breaching generational barriers. She loved her family, and she was devoted to her friends as I know many will attest today – how interwoven their friendship experience with aunty had evolved into forever family ties just like mine.
It is truly hard to be writing this. I have been in suspenseful denial these past few days, hoping this was all a dream that I would eventually wake up from, hoping that someone will call me back to say it was April fool jokes taken too far.
As I struggle with this, I remember stories of people who had lost loved ones and how they listened over and over to voicemails they had left behind so that they could hold on to whatever piece of connection to soothe their pain. How I long for something like this right now. The truth is that mummy was a persistent caller and if you didn’t pick up the first time she kept calling back until she could get to talk to you. She was our silent whisperer. Always nudging and encouraging to push forward. I met so many of her great friends and family like this while she helped willed and planned my traditional wedding. Always working from the background and she never sort the limelight. For which I am eternally indebted to mummy.
We her friends who have become family, are in pain. But nothing compares to the pain of a child or grandchild losing their mom. Our heart goes out to her immediate family.
Aunty loved her family. Her abiding love for her kids and grandkids sustained her.
I really wish I could have done more for her while she was alive to show my gratitude. All that is left of her now is her memories of which we will cherish and physically left of her is her family of which we will honour, and we will be here for.
God is our strength; may he accept his daughter- “Ukinebo Brenda Obaseki” blissful soul in paradise and may he grant us the fortitude to bear this loss.