Dr. Helen Ofosu

by Helen Ofosu

The covic 19 pandemic has caused many workers to re-evaluate their careers and the impact on their lives. Under normal circumstances, employee turnover is a fact of life, but it would appear that the journey to greener pastures has surged during this unprecedented historical event.

Click here to continue reading: https://ioadvisory.com/leaving-jobs-after-pandemic/

Dr. Helen Ofosu was born and raised in the Toronto area but her roots are in Jamaica and Ghana. She offers Career Coaching and HR Consulting using her background in Industrial / Organizational Psychology (aka Business Psychology) as the foundation for her practice. She founded I/O Advisory Services in 2012 and is accessible by phone, email, Facebook, and LinkedIn.  She can be reached at 613-424-8689 or helen@ioadvisory.com. Web: www.ioadvisory.com.