In early January, Rwanda began commemorations marking 20 years since its genocide, with a flame of remembrance making a nationwide tour ahead of the anniversary. An estimated 800,000 people, essentially from the Tutsi minority, perished in the genocide, carried out by Hutu extremist militias and troops in the three months from April to June 1994. In February 2014, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (CMHR) joined the Rwanda High Commission to Canada and the All-Party Parliamentary Group for the Prevention of Genocide and other Crimes Against Humanity at the Canadian War Museum for the lighting of the Kwibuka20 flame. On April 7, Ottawa-Gatineau genocide survivors and their supporters gathered on Parliament Hill for a solemn remembrance ceremony. The event was followed by a “walk in memory of the victims” from the Hill to Ottawa City Hall. The activities of the 20th commemoration, which take place from April to May 18 this year, are organized jointly by the Humura Association and the High Commission of the Republic of Rwanda to Canada. For more details, visit:

Submitted by Sarah Onyango