Chris Wanna, Past President of RCWO and Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey
Chris Wanna, Past President of RCWO and Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey

June 28, 2016 (Ottawa)

The Rotary Club of West Ottawa (RCWO) was honoured to present its Ruth Martin Award for Community Service to Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey, senior Minister at Parkdale United Church since 1999. The award recognizes and honours individuals and organizations that have performed noteworthy service for the wellbeing of the community over a period of years.

Anthony Bailey gives generously of his time and talent to the local and international communities and reaches out to people from all walks of life.  He does this with sensitivity and in a special manner that incorporates his extensive academic and practical experience in social work, theology, philosophy, ethics and culture.

Parkdale’s “In From the Cold” program has greatly enhanced the wellbeing of the Ottawa West community for over 14 years.  The program reaches out to Ottawa’s marginalized and vulnerable people.  During the winter months, volunteers serve a 4 course hot meal to around 150 people each Saturday.  Rev. Dr. Bailey, using his talent to bring diverse people together, attracts volunteers from his congregation and from the community who want to share their skills and resources in helping others.

His commitment to social justice and a peaceful approach to confrontation were exemplified by his response to racist graffiti that appeared on the church’s property. Through media coverage of the incident, he invited the graffiti perpetrators to sit down with him for a positive dialogue.

Anthony Bailey is a strong supporter of Black History Month events in the city and has been active on many local Boards of Directors including the Ottawa Mission (15 years), Urban Christian Outreach (a ministry to the homeless), and Parkdale Food Centre.  He is also a member of the Mayor’s task force on refugees.