Joanne Robinson

Third World Players Part 2

by Joanne Robinson

Various members of the community participated in performances by the TWP.  Some of these members are: (This list is alphabetical not by dates of performance)

Mr. Badoo-Singh; Horace Beaufort; Herbert Chambers; Keith Charles; Lydia Charles; Andrew Clarke; Pearl Downie; Gabriela Etcheverry; Jorge Etcheverry; Orson Forbes; Eddy Garnier; Adeline Hardie; John Harewood;     John Hayward; Emma Hill; Norman Hill; Andrew Moodie; Fauyzia Moore;     Nirmala Singh; Zandra Taylor (Director of our first production);                       Anthony Theobalds; Margaret Tucker; Ewart Walters; Jasmine Williams.

We now present to you the bios of the Founding Members:

A former senior public servant, Lloyd Stanford is president of Le Groupe Stanford Inc., a consulting firm specialising in matters related to multiculturalism, employment equity, bilingualism and biculturalism, responsibility and accountability, human resource development in general, Canadian social and cultural policy, and international development issues. He was a partner in the consortium Pan-Continental Business and Development Consultants Inc. Trained in the humanities (Honours French [London – UCWI]) and the social sciences (MA at Carleton in Public Administration, doctoral studies in Political Science at Queen’s), his working experience spans all the areas above. Lloyd Stanford has also been a university teacher and researcher. He was a visiting professor in the School of Public Administration at Carleton University (1984-85) where he has given graduate seminars on “public sector management and the Canadian political system”, and responsibility and accountability. His publications include the volume Canada 2000: Race Relations and Public Policy which he edited along with O.P. Dwivedi, Ronald D’Costa and Elliot Tepper. He is the co-founder and president of the theatre group Third World Players (1978-present) and past president and honorary life member of the Ottawa Branch of the Royal Commonwealth Society.  He is the recipient of several awards including the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal (2003), the Prime Minister’s Medal of Appreciation for Service to Jamaica [2003], the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal [2012], the honorary degree Doctor of Laws (honoris causa) by Carleton University in 2017 and the University of the West Indies Alumni Association Pelican Award “for excellence in public service & the promotion of multiculturalism and equality, representing the 1948-1958 decade with distinction” [2018] 

Here’s some interesting info:  The First Armon Florizel Stanford Bursary Awarded to Open Campus Youth Development Student.

A small ceremony was held at The UWI Museum on Monday, March 27, 2017 to celebrate the presentation of a bursary in the amount of US$2,000 to the Open Campus of The University of the West Indies (UWI) awarded by UWI alumnus, Mr. Lloyd C. Stanford and family. Mr. Lloyd Stanford is, among other things, a former Canadian Federal Civil Servant who worked on multiculturalism as a central feature of Canada’s federalism. He is an executive of The UWI Alumni Association. The Armon Florizel Stanford Bursary, named in memory of Mr. Stanford’s father, supported the cost of tuition for full time study of an undergraduate degree at The UWI of Ms. Deborah Wilson, who is a registered student at the UWI Open Campus Site at Camp Road in Jamaica.

Also, among his remarkable accolades: Canute Lloyd Stanford awarded degree Doctor of Laws (Carleton University), 150th Convocation) 

Interview with Mr. Stanford can be found on this link.

From growing up on the island nation of Grenada to making her home in Canada, Jennifer Hosten has had a full and varied life.

Winning the 1970 Miss World competition was a significant turning point, and saw her embarking on tours to a diverse array of countries with other personalities and celebrities, including visiting US troops during the Vietnam war.

From here Jennifer took her love of exploring different cultures and people into work in broadcasting, diplomacy, trade negotiation, international development, business ownership, hospitality and academia. She is a proud mother to Sophia and Beau, and grandmother to her five grandchildren.

Jennifer’s life is defined by her desire to continue to learn, to rise to the challenges that come our way and give back to those around her.

Jennifer recently concluded her memoir titled “Miss World 1970: How I Entered a Pageant and Wound Up Making History”, which was launched in the UK on March 10, 2020 and is available on Amazon.

More information about Jennifer can be found on:


An alumnus of UWI—BA, Dip Ed, [London-UCWI] Higher Dip Ed [UWI]; MA (Linguistics and Education) from the University of Alberta, Karl Gordon was a revered retired teacher of modern languages in the Ottawa-Carleton School Board in Canada. He also taught a wide range of subjects at Stratford High School, Durham College and Gaynstead High School between 1954 and 1956, and at Jamaica College from 1961 to 1968.  Twice finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship in Jamaica, he won a Commonwealth scholarship to study in Canada in 1966 and took the master’s degree in linguistics and education noted above to resume teaching at Jamaica College.  Known for his combination of meticulous scholarship, outstanding pedagogy and sensitivity to the psychological needs of students as well as their creativity while adhering to discipline, it is noteworthy that several members of the Jamaican Cabinet and diplomatic corps over time were students of his, as was one of the Canadian astronauts who sent him a message from space.  Linguist, poet, playwright, commentator, actor, director, and translator he is ‘ready’ in some four languages.  In addition, he has pursued courses in law and has served as advocate in some cases. A co-founder of Third World Players, an Ottawa-based theatre group founded in 1978 to foster awareness of the cultural heritage of Canadians with origins in the Third World, he has been the main director of its major stage productions, including those of his memorable plays Uncle George, The Old Man of the Village and Sometimes It Does and the outstanding production “Marcus Garvey: The Power

of His Words”, staged in 1995 in collaboration with the Jamaica (Ottawa) Community Association. This latter event is symbolic of the type of voluntary community work in which Karl Gordon, who is shy of publicity, has been quietly engaged. He has been approached over the years to provide scripts, sometimes at very short notice, to mark special Jamaican, Caribbean or other momentous occasions. Readers of his acrostic and other poems to eulogise persons ranging from Nelson Mandela on the morning of his release from prison to Melaine Walker, the gold medalist for the 400 metres in the Beijing Olympics, to the one dedicated to the late Professor Nettleford will see why one could consider him a sort of “poet laureate of the Diaspora” in Canada.  The “Tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.” seen on stage and aired on radio and the radio production “The Maroon Story” are prose complements of the poetry.  As well, he has been a very active member and/or supporter of literary groups, notably “Sasquatch’ and “El Dorado”, the group formed by Chilean writers in exile in Ottawa. While some of his work has been published, for example in A Shapely Fire: Changing the Literary Landscape, edited by Cyril Dabydeen [1987], and more recently in the 2011 landmark anthology Beyond Sangre Grande: Caribbean Writing Today, also edited by Cyril Dabyeen, Karl Gordon, this very prolific author, who reveals in his work the attributes of a historian, philosopher and political economist, remains largely unpublished, and therefore has not been given the recognition which he richly deserves.

Ricardo Smith

Ricardo Smith: Unfortunately at this time, we do not have a bio for Mr.  Smith.

We would like to acknowledge and thank our sponsors for this tribute to the Third World Players

  • Dan o”Donnell –
  • Rhythm Movements Community Association
  • Heru Cha L Jordan

Heru Cha L. Jordan CB, Nonprofit Accountant

CEO/Director of Operations

Amexem Roots Rock Reggae Cultural Society

