Dr. Warren Clarke
Dr. Warren Clarke is the founder of The Afro-Caribbean Mentorship program (ACMP) at Carleton University. This mentorship program helps graduate and undergraduate students in racialized communities build confidence within themselves and provide mentorship opportunities so that they can strive towards their educational and professional goals. Dr. Clarke’s leadership in diversity and inclusion is impressive and has touched many young African, Caribbean, and Black men’s lives throughout their schooling. During his mentoring and financial literacy work, he brings in professionals within the Ottawa community to ensure these students are getting enrichment throughout the program.
Source: United Way of Eastern Ontario
Congratulations to Warren Clarke, who has received a Community Builder Award from the United Way East Ontario. This award recognizes Warren’s remarkable community work. The United Way have highlighted Warren’s work with a feature post on the United Way East Ontario’s website.
Dr. Warren Clarke successfully completed his PhD in Sociology with an exquisite ethnographic study of the experiences of low-income Afro-Caribbean Black (ACB) young men in Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal with Youth Employment Training Programs. External examiners Dr. George Dei (University of Toronto) and Dr. Eva Mackey (Indigenous and Canadian Studies, Carleton University) requested only minor revisions after Warren’s successful oral defence in December 2021. The dissertation will soon be publicly available through the Carleton library, entitled: “Mapping the Experiences and Struggles of Un(der)employed Afro-Caribbean Black (ACB) Young Men in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa.”
Source: Carleton University Department of Sociology and Anthropology