Saturday, October 10, 2020
At the 2020 Annual General meeting via Zoom on October 10, 2020, the St. Vincent and the Grenadines Association of Ottawa elected a new executive to function from October 10, 2020 to March 31, 2022.
President, Suzette Weekes; Vice President, Moulton Sayers; Secretary, Avilla Ollivierre; Treasurer, Samantha Tim; PRO, Camille Wyllie; Committee Member, Nicole Greaves.
The SVGAO was founded by Vincentians in Ottawa on October 27, 1979, the same date our native homeland gained full independence from Britain and the year of the eruption of the volcano, La Soufriere. At the time of the establishment of the Association, the purpose was to assist with aid to those who were displaced in the wake of the eruption. Since then, the Association has broadened its scope of mission — to promote and support civic engagement locally as well asin our native homeland. We work in partnership with other Vincentian and other ethnic and cultural groups in Canada who share a common goal with us.
Our aims and objectives are mainly to promote social, cultural and educational activities within the context of the Canadian mosaicandfoster a good working relationship with other community groups. We also endeavour to liaise with the different levels of Governments in Canada acting on behalf of any agency of the government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG).
Since the inception of SVGAO in 1979, a great deal has been accomplished! We have made a significant impact in our community, collaborating with other individuals and organizations to affect desired outcomes both in our adoptive and native homeland. Some of these include:
· Showcasing our rich culture in Canada, especially at our Annual Unity Picnic at Thousand Islands
· Providing Philanthropic relief support to several communities affected by disasters
· Establishing Youth Scholarship funds – In Canada and in SVG
· Sponsoring shipment of Essential Goods and Equipment to SVG
· Collaborating with other Ethic and Cultural groups in Canada
· Cementing Partnership with donors for sponsorship towards some of our programs.
St. Vincent and the Grenadines Association of Ottawa
P.O Box 983, Station B
Ottawa ON. K1P 5R1
Congratulations Ms Weeks. Well deserved. I have no doubt that you will continue to improve relationships not only within your community organization but with the many other community organizations. Why? Because that’s who you are and have been demonstrating for many years. Good luck dear friend.