Letter from the Editor: September 2021
Good morning folks The big story for September is the upcoming federal elections. There is much at stake for Canadians in general and Black Canadians in particular. So it is…
Letter from the Editor: August 2021
Good morning folks Hope you are having a good summer, especially now that pandemic restrictions are being gradually lifted. Here is praying that you have all received your vaccinations and…
Letter from the Editor: July 2021
Good morning folks As we begin a rather sombre Canada Day, this is a good time to reflect on the kind of Canada we want for ourselves and our children….
Letter from the Editor June 2021
Good morning folks Welcome to the June 2021 edition of your favorite newsmagazine. It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 15 months since the start of this dreaded pandemic….
Letter from the Editor: May 2021
Good morning folks Hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and well. Yes, another month of pandemic lockdown and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight!…
Letter from the Editor: April 2021
Good morning all I hope like me, you are beginning to get the feel of spring, which invariably puts a spring in my step, so to speak. But this spring…
Letter from the Editor: March 2021
The month of February was easily the busiest Black History Month ever in the city of Ottawa, with over fifty events on what is the the shortest month of the…
Letter from the Editor: February 2021
Good morning folks Hope you are all keeping safe and well in these troubled times, as we enter the next phase of this enduring pandemic. Our hope is that now…
Letter from the Editor: January 2021
Good morning folks Now that we have more or less survived annus horribilis 2020, we can look forward to a new year with the hope that, by year’s end, this…
Letter from the Editor: December 2020
Good morning folks Hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and well as we along with the rest of the world continue to battle this unrelenting Covid 19…