8, 15 and 22 December 2018
Ottawa’s Nigerian community celebrated its 2018 Christmas in style with events hosted by the various ethnic cultural organisations. The Isokan Yoruba kicked off the joyous festivities with their event at the Ron Kolbus centre in the city’s west end, marked with traditional Yoruba dance, songs by children from the Yoruba ethnic school, a musical quiz, rounded off with a delicious meal for the 200 plus guests. This was followed by the Igbo Cultural Association which hosted its own party at the Tom Brown arena. Carol singing, breaking of the traditional kola nut, songs by children from the Igbo ethnic school, drama, Santa Claus, provided the ingredients for a most enjoyable evening of festive cheer. The festive events were rounded off on Saturday 22 December when the AkwaCross Association held its own celebration at the Carleton Height Community Centre on Apeldoorn Avenue. Like the other events, there were ethnic songs, community appreciation awards, and delicious food for the over one hundred guests.
All photos copyright Black Ottawa Scene