Friday 22 June
The Nigerian community in Ottawa welcomed His Lordship, Most Reverend Paulinus C. Ezeokafor, the Catholic Bishop of Awka Diocese, Anambra State, Nigeria, who was in Ottawa for a three-day pastoral visit to the Igbo Catholic Community. At a cocktail party hosted by Ike and Ogo Nnebe at their residence on Riverside South, the visiting cleric was greeted by some one hundred Nigerians and their Canadian friends. Amidst the sumptuous meal and drinks provided by the hosts, the bishop provided the guests with updates on the state of the Catholic church in Nigeria and the impact of the political and economic situations on the growth of the church and its religious and educational programs. A special guest was His Lordship, Most Reverend Jean-Louis Plouffe, retired bishop of Sault Sainte Marie.
Thereafter on Sunday 24 June, Bishop Ezeokafor celebrated a solemn high mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on St. Laurent Boulevard, with over 200 people in attendance.
Photos copyright Black Ottawa Scene