By Anu Oduwole
Over 80 guests were in attendance on the eve. of May 9th, 2015 at Jim Robillard Center in support of the Agnes Zabala Boys and Girls club of Kamenga Uganda: An affiliated project of CACHA. The Agnes Boys and Girls Club partners with the Canada Africa Community Health Alliance (CACHA) to help promote medical care through projects organised for orphans and vulnerable children. The Club focuses on providing health, educational and recreational growth to children in Kamengo, while bringing them together in a safe space where they can enjoy themselves through events such as sewing, basketball and other functions in the community center under the watchful supervision of volunteers and senior students.
An introduction and opening remark of the event was delivered by Les Gorman a committee member who gave a recount of the clubs start-up during his teaching program at Kamengo in 2007. V.I.Ps in attendance were His Excellency John Chrysostom Alintuma Nsambu, the High commissioner of the Republic of Uganda in Canada as well as Honourable Yasir Naqvi, Minister of Community safety and correctional services who both commended the members and volunteers for their involvement in the club and its works. Highlights of works done were showcased in slideshows by the main organiser Jimmy Sebulime and Dr Mark Hardy, a CACHA volunteer surgeon. The last mission catered for over 3000 people who required medical assistance and the club hopes that future mission will help provide adequate transportation for those who volunteer on the mission. This fundraiser was organised to help provide funds for student school supplies at all level.
Ugandan themed entertainments were provided by Rita Carter and other volunteers who are strong supporters of the cause. The night came to an end with dancing and several guests had the pleasure of going home with unique Ugandan draw and door prizes. For more information contact [email protected] or Ruth Kane [email protected] for information about contributing to school fees.
About the writer
Anuoluwapo E. Oduwole born and raised in Nigeria graduated from Carleton University, Ontario Canada with a B.A in Sociology w/a minor in Law (Hons). Her interests intersect race, ethnicity, class, conflicts and inequality faced by immigrants. Over the year she has been volunteering with kids while accumulating experience with the hope of continuing with a Masters’ Program. Her hobbies are reading, writing and watching movies.